Western Disturbance Heading Towards India Around 12th/13th March – Possibility Of Unseasonal Rain/Shower Over Parts Of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat 12th/13th March

Current Weather Conditions on 10th March 2015

The Maximum Temperature as well as Minimum Temperature have been range bound for last two three days over most parts of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat. However, Ahmedabad the Maximum temperature yesterda was 4 C below normal. The Minimum Temperature at Rajkot this morning was 2 C below normal and was windy too. The Maximum Temperature yesterday and the Minimum Temperature this morning at various locations were as follows (figures in the bracket is departure from normal):


Ahmedabad Maximum 31.2 C (-4) & Minimum 17.7 (Normal) C
Rajkot Maximum 33.1 C (-1) & Minimum 14.7 C (-2)
Naliya Maximum 32.0 C (Normal) & Minimum 15.6 C (+1)
Amreli Maximum 34.4 C (-1) & Minimum 17.8 C (+1)


Weekly Temperature Variations For Rajkot Ending 10th March 2015



Weekly Temperature Variations For Ahmedabad Ending 10th March 2015


Weekly Temperature Variations For Amreli Ending 10th March 2015


There is a trough of Low at Mean Sea Level over from Lakshadweep area to South Madhya Maharashtra.


Forecast: 10th to 15th March 2015


Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat:

The new Western Disturbance will reach Pakistan border area on 12th March. the trough at 500 Mb associated with this System will deep down over Northeast Arabian Sea on 12th o 14th March. Also interaction with the trough at lower level over Madhya Maharashtra, there is a strong possibility of scattered showers or rain over parts of Saurashtra, Gujarat and Kutch on 12th/13th March. See maps below for forecast rain/shower areas.

The Maximum as well as the Minimum Temperature is expected to gradually rise by 2 to 3 C from 10th to 12th March. Subsequently again decline by 2 to 3 C during 13th/15th March.

COLA/IGES Precipitation Forecast Map
Valid for 24 hours ending 00 UTC 13th March 2015 ( for 12th March)


COLA/IGES Precipitation Forecast Map
Valid for 24 hours ending 00 UTC 14th March 2015 ( for 13th March)



Rest of India: 10th March to 15th March 2015


The incoming Western Disturbance will interact with the trough over Madhya Maharashtra giving rain initially over Marashtra, Madhya Pradesh, then Rajasthan, U.P. New Delhi. See rain forecast maps above and below for 12th March to 15th March for various areas of India being affected by rain.


COLA/IGES Precipitation Forecast Map Valid for 24 hours ending
00 UTC 15th March 2015 (for 14th March)




COLA/IGES Precipitation Forecast Map Valid for 24 hours ending
00 UTC 16th March 2015 (for 15th March)




Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 10th March 2015
