Last System Gives Bounty Rainfall Over Gujarat But Misses Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 15th August 2012 @ 6.00 pm.

The Low Pressure that tracked over Madhya Pradesh reached Northwest Madhya Pradesh & East Rajasthan and vicinity has merged with the monsoon trough.
The Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation associated with this Low now lies over North Rajasthan and vicinity.

The axis of monsoon trough at mean sea level has shifted little Northwards towards the foot hills of Himalayas.

TMD Map of 15th August 0600z. or 11.30 am. IST shows the Northwards shift of the Axis.

A new Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation has developed over Northwest Bay of Bengal and North Odisha – West Bengal vicinity. This UAC has to be watched for development of a Low in that area during the next couple of days.

Bounty full rainfall has occurred over North Gujarat, South Gujarat and Central Gujarat up to M.P. border areas during 11th to 14th August.

The Low Pressure system tracked towards East Rajasthan and the clouds associated with the System were to the West and Southwest. Although Saurashtra had clouding yet has been left out from this round of rainfall. Only light scattered rainfall occurred mainly in Surendranagar and Bhavnagar Districts. Rest of Saurashtra few places received up to 1 to 8 MM. of rainfall.

Forecast: 15th August to 19th August Saurashtra

During the forecast period mainly cloudy sky with Temperature lower than normal will prevail with winds speed of 10 to 15 Kms. per hour and gusts of up to 25 Kms. per hour.

Only scattered showers/drizzle is forecast during this period. In short no significant rain forecast during the period.