Rainfall Over Western Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 16th September 2011 @ 4.30 pm.

There has been widespread rainfall over Saurashtra especially West Saurashtra areas. Rain has been light to medium and for a longer duration at many places.

Only scattered rain was expected however, today the quantum is much more than expected.

Here are two satellite INSAT images. First is IR Image and second one is Visible. Both are of 3.30 pm. and look quite different.

IMD IR: Today 3.30 pm. ( Time shown in image is UTC )

IMD Visible: Today 3.30 pm. ( Time shown in image is UTC )

What could be the reason for the rain over Saurashtra ?
The msot likely reason for rain today is due to Monsoon trough.

TMD shows the monsoon trough over Saurashtra: