Low Pressure Over Arabian Sea & Another Low Over Orissa

Current Weather Conditions on 31st August 2011 @ 11.00 am.

The UAC over Bay of Bengal had become a Low Pressure over Bay of Bengal near Orissa yesterday. This Low Pressure area over Bay of Bengal now lies over Orissa and neighbourhood. The associated UAC extends upto mid tropospheric levels. The UAC over Gujarat, Saurashtra & Kutch had descened to ground level to for Low Pressure over the same region yesterday. Today this Low Pressure lies over Northeast Arabian Sea and adjoining Saurashtra & Kutch coast with associated UAC extending upto Mid Tropospheric levels. The axis of monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Centre of Low, Barmer, Chittorgarh, Bhopal, Gondia, Centre of Low Pressure area and thence Eastsoutheastwards to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal. The off shore trough from Gujarat coast to Kerala coast persists.

There has been scattered rain over parts of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat with periods of sunshine and cloudy weather.

The Daily Indian Monsoon Index has gone up very sharply as can be seen from the chart. It shows that the Index figure has shot off the graph for a few days indicating very active Monsoon over India.

The Daily Indian Summer Monsoon Index for two weeks from 30th August 2011


Scattered rainfall for Saurashtra & Kutch on variuos days till 4th September 2011. There will be periods of sunshine and the Maximum temperatures will also increase. Mostly rain will be in the afternoon/evening. Kutch and Western Saurashtra will be prone to heavier rainfall than rest of Saurashtra. The Arabian Sea Low as well as the Low Pressure from Orissa will affect the rainfall over Saurashtra & Kutch. The Arabian Sea Low has to be watched carefully. There exists a possibility of this Low to track back towards Saurashtra.

There will be heavy rainfall over Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhatishgarh, Orissa, and North Andhra Pradesh.

Forecast in Akial Daily Dated 31st August 2011 @ 11.00 am.