Upper Air Circualtion Over Vidarbha – M.P. To Affect Saurashtra & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 20th August 2011 @ 11.00 am.

There is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over East Madhya Pradesh – Vidarbha border and adjoining areas at 700 Mb. level. The off shore trough from Gujarat coast to Kerala coast persists.

Forecast: 20th to 22nd. August

Further update to my forecast dated 19th August:

UAC over East Madhya Pradesh – Vidarbha border and adjoining areas at 700 Mb. level is expected to track northwestwards during the next 24 to 36 hours. Hence scattered rainfall is expected over Gujarat and scattered rainfall/showers over parts of Saurashtra till 22nd. August instead of till 21st. There is a possibility of some medium/heavy rainfall in the areas in the vicinity of Gulf of Cambay. In short compared to last three days the quantum of rain will increase by area as well as quantum.