Low Pressure To Track Westwards Up To Central Madhya Pradesh

Current Weather Conditions on 6th August 2012 @ 12.00 pm.

The weather is mostly cloudy over Saurashtra with periods of sunshine. The wind speed has reduced over Saurashtra from yesterday. Only Isolated scattered showers have been reported from few places. Nomeaningful rainfall has occurred over Saurashtra.

The Monsoon Index shows active period of Monsoon currently:

The Low pressure from the Northwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining Coastal areas of West Bengal and North Orissa has moved over land and is currently located over a broad area on North Chhatishgarh, East M.P. and Jharkhand vicinity. The Convective clouds associated with this System are located West and Southwest of the Low Pressure area. Currently the clouds are spread over Madhya Pradesh, maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Off-shore trough will become active from South Gujarat to Kerala around 7th and 8th August.

Forecast: Heavy rainfall for M.P. and Vidharbha, medium to heavy rainfall for rest of Maharashtra. The Low Pressure is expected to reach Central M.P. and remain there till 8th August and subsequently could track Northwards and fizzle out.

Gujarat could benefit from this System on 7th or 8th August onwards.

Saurashtra could benefit around 8th or 9th August but in a limited way.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily dated 6th August 2012 @ 12.00 noon