Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation Over Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 5th July 2011 @ 1.00 pm.

The Mid Upper Level Circulation over Western Saurashtra at 700 Mb. level still exists. Yesterday there were reports of scattered showers to light/medium rainfall of 1 Cms to 3 Cms. many places of Western Saurashtra and Isolated places over rest of Saurashtra.

There is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over the Bay of Bengal adjoining Coastal Orissa and Coastal North Andhra Pradesh. The Axis of Monsoon had moved towards the foot hills of Himalaya during the last two three days. The Eastern end of this Axis has now moved Southwards towards Orissa and thence towards the Bay of Bengal. The western end will also move Southwards by tonight when the UAC will descend to ground over Orissa.

Forecast: Saurashra

Possibility of Scattered showers to light rain today due to remains of yesterday's Circulation over Western Saurashtra.

The System from the Bay of Bengal will track towards Chhatisgarh, Vidarbha by 6th and by 7th should reach near Western M.P.- North Maharashtra border areas. Meaningful rainfall over parts of Saurashtra or Gujarat could occur on 7th/8th depending upon the track taken by this System and the intensity on reaching near Gujarat/Saurashtra. Some places could get rain on 6th.

Indian Monsoon Index:
The chart below shows the intensity of Indian Monsoon Index starting from 3rd July till 18th July. It depicts that Indian Monsoon will be active(above normal) from 6th July to 8th July and again from 13th to 18th July.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 5th July 2011 @ 1.00 pm.