Madhya Pradesh To Get Good Rainfall From Depression

Current Weather Conditions on 21st June 2011 @ 10.00am.

The Depression lay centered at 0530 hours IST of today, the 21 June 2011 over East Madhya Pradesh & adjoining East Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The system would move West-Northwestwards tracking mainly along North M.P. border. Under its influence, rain/thundershowers at most places would occur over north Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Uttar Pradesh during next 24 hours.

CIMSS Satellite Image of Depression on 21st June @ 5.00 am. IST

Southwest winds blowing from the Arabian Sea towards the Depression center will give rain to Coastal Karnataka, Goa, Konkan and South Gujarat during the next two days.

Southwest Monsoon is expected to progress over South Gujarat in a day or two.