Well Marked Low Pressure With Eyelike Feature

Current Weather Conditions on 11th June 2011 @ 5.00 pm.

The Well Marked Low Pressure in the Arabian Sea has an eye like feature located 19.8N 71.8E. as seen in the Satellite image.

Some of the convective clouds associated with this System have come over Saurashtra and will give meaningful rain with winds to Coastal regions during 11th to 13th June and scattered rain for rest of Saurashtra during the same period.

The bulk of the clouds are to the South of the WMLP center. The banding pattern has increased and the Eye feature surely depicts strengthening sign. However, IMD in their Bulletin do not show any indications that the WMLP will strengthen to a Depression.

Track of the System from JTWC:

Latest Satellite Image at 5.00 pm.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 11th June 2011 @ 1.30 pm.