Windy Weather Over Saurastra, Kutch & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 20th May 2011 @ 12.00 pm.

The Maximum Temperatures over North India and Central India had increased causing Heat Wave conditions for the last tree days with pockets of these areas experiencing Severe Heat Wave conditions. Pilani in Rajasthan recorded 47.4 Degrees C. being highest in India yesterday.

The Maximum Temperatures in Saurashtra and Gujarat were also about 1 to 2 Degrees above normal. Rajkot had 41.5 to 42.3 Degrees during the last three days. Saurashtra has been experiencing very high Winds for the last one week. The Average wind speed has been in the range of 25 to 25 Kms./hour daily during afternoon – evening periods. Wind gusts have been 50 to 65 Kms./hour.

Forecast: 21st to 24th May

Area of Heat Wave conditions will decrease from today over major parts of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, North M.P. East M.P., Vidarbha. Maximum Temperatures are expected to decrease from today.

The Maximum Temperature at Rajkot is expected to decrease from today and will be normal or a little below normal. However, due to increased humidity at daytime, the weather will be uncomfortable. Winds over Saurashtra are expected to be high in the range of Average wind speed of 25 to 35 Kms./hour daily during afternoon – evening periods. Wind gusts of 50 to 70 Kms./hour is expected for next three days.

Due to unsettled weather (high Lifted Index), there is high possibility of Scattered showers for Mumbai to South Gujarat from 22nd May to 24th May. There is 60% chance of Scattered showers for Coastal Saurashtra & Kutch during the same period.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 20th May 2011 @ 12.00 pm.