Low Pressure Forms Over The South Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 30th April 2011 @ 2.30 pm.

The Maximum Temperatures over Saurashtra and Gujarat are near normal at most of the places with a few exceptions. The winds are now blowing mainly from the Westward direction giving high humidity at night and early morning. Yesterday Rajkot the Maximum Temperature was 38.6 Degrees C. and Ahmedabad was 39.9 Degrees C. being about a Degree below normal at both these places.


The Maximum Temperatures over Gujarat will remain at near normal for the next five days. Winds will blow mainly from the West and night as well as early morning the humidity will be very high. Dew drops will be seen on many days early in the morning. The daytime humidity is expected to be higher by 10 to 15 percent and hence even though the Maximum Temperatures being near normal, the Real feel Temperature will be at uncomfortable levels. There will not be any Heat Wave for the next five days in Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat.

Note: Heat wave means that the Maximum Temperature is 4 Degrees C. above normal.

Low Pressure in the Southern Bay of Bengal:
The Low Pressure in the Bay of Bengal was located about 650 Kms. East of Tamilnadu coast. It is yet being organized and is expected to track northwards and then North Eastwards towards Myanmar.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 30th April 2011 @ 2.30 pm.