First Heat Wave Of 2011 Starts Over Saurashtra, Kutch, Gujarat & Maharashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 16th March 2011 @ 8.00 pm.

Heat Wave has started over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat and some parts of Maharashtra as had been Forecast on Friday 11th March that Heat Wave would start between 14th to 17th March 2011.
Some of the Maximum Temperatures are given below:

Rajkot 40.8 Degrees C. (6 Degrees above normal)
Bhuj 41.5 Degrees C. (7 Degrees above normal)
Surat 40.2 Degrees C. (4 Degrees above normal)
Ahmedabad 39.5 Degrees C. (4 Degrees above normal)
Baroda 41.1 Degrees C.
Valsad 41.1 Degrees C.
Deesa 41.0 Degrees C.
Idar 40.8 Degrees C.

Mumbai (Santa Cruz) 41.3 Degrees C. (8 Degrees above normal)

Weather Expert & Blogger Rajeshbhai Kapadia of Mumbai reports that Mumbai Colaba reaches its all time high for ANY MONTH today, 16th. March 2011. In its long history of weather observation, since 1st. Jan 1847, Wednesday's 41.6c is the highest recorded. Previous highest for any month till today for Colaba was 40.6c on 19th. April 1955. See here

Maximum Temperature Map from IMD for 16th March 2011

Maximum Temperature Departure Map from IMD for 16th March 2011

Heat wave to continue till Friday.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 16th March 2011 @ 11.30 am.