Cyclone "JAL" Temporarily Has Weakening Flag For Last Nine Hours

Current Weather Conditions on 6th November 2010 @ 4.30 pm.

Cyclonic Storm "JAL" has remained Quasi- stationary during the last few hours. The weakening flag is ON from morning 7.00 am till last observation of 4.30 pm. during which time the Vmax has reduced from 63 knots has gone down to 49 knots. Associated spiral Convective clouds are spread over very large area stretching over Bay of Bengal as well as over Southern Peninsula. The core of high cloud of -80 Degrees has a diameter of 400 Kms.

Location of Storm: 10.93N 85.05E @ 4.30 pm
Distance & Bearing from Chennai: 575 ESE

Awaiting latest update from JTWC
JTWC based on 1 minute ave. wind speed @ 12.00 pm
Winds:65 Knots or 120 Kms/Hour
Central Pressure: 974 Mb.

As per IMD based on 3 min. ave. wind speed @ 11.30 am
Winds:55 Knots or 100 Kms/Hour
Central Pressure: 990 Mb.

UW – CIMSS (ADT)—- Current Analysis —–
Date : 06 NOV 2010 Time : 110000 UTC
Lat : 10:55:52 N(10.93E) Lon : 85:02:14 E(85.05E)

CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
3.2 / 988.2mb/ 49.0kt

JTWC will give clear picture in their next update at 5.30 pm.