BOB Low Pressure Tracks Over Andhra Pradesh

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd October 2012 @ 7.00 am.

The Bay of Bengal Low Pressure System has tracked over Andhra Coast and is currently over Andhra Pradesh and vicinity. The UAC in the Arabian sea is near Coastal Maharashtra. Convective clouds associated with both these System are present over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,  and in Arabian sea along the Maharashtra Coast. Some clouding was seen near South Gujarat and Saurashtra Coast.

UAC of both these System forecast for 2nd Ocotber is shown by the GSF Map

The System over Andhra Pradesh is expected to track over adjoining Maharashtra and vicinity today.

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02/10/2012 11:33 pm

સૌરાષ્ટ્ર માં વરસાદ પડવાની સંભાવના છે?