Typhoon MEGI One Hour To Landfall Over Divilacan – Philippines

Current Weather Conditions on 18th October 2010 @ 9.30 am.

Typhoon MEGI will strike North Luzon, Philippines today within the next hour. The best status this Typhoon atained was 155 knots and 907 mb. pressure which is about 285 Kms./hour wind speed. Currently MEGI's eye wall is less than 10 Kms. from land.

Landfall is expected before 0500 UTC that is 10.30 am. IST or 1.00 pm. Philippines time. MEGI will make Landfall near Divilacan Bay over Divilacan and vicinity Ilagan and Palanan and over Fuyot Spring National Park.

NRL image of MEGI 0300 UTC