Saurashtra To Get Extended Round Of Rainfall

Current Weather Conditions on 5th July 2010 @ 5.30 pm.

Whole Saurashtra has received a good round of rainfall on 3rd and 4th July. The Mid-Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation has mainly tracked West North Westwards and is currently over North Gujarat. The Axis of Monsoon runs from North Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhhatishgarh, Orissa and Bay of Bengal vicinity of Orissa Coast. The Mid-Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation is now embedded in the Western end of Axis of Monsoon.

850 hPa Winds

Surface Lows

6th July To 12th July 2010

50% Saurashtra to get 6 Cms. to 12 Cms. of rainfall during the forecast period.

Balance 50% Saurashtra to get above 12 Cms. of rainfall during the forecast period.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 5th July 2010 @ 12.00 pm.