Heavy Rains For Western Peninsula

Current Weather Conditions on 11th June 2010 @8.00 pm

A Low Pressure area has developed in the Bay of Bengal location 13N. 84E. Also Monsoon has become active over the Arabian Sea. Heavy convective clouds are present in both the Arabian Sea as well as the Bay of Bengal.

Western Coast of Peninsula India: 12th June to 17th June

A Low Pressure is expected to form over the Arabian Sea around 13th June. This could form by the pulse from the Low of Bay Of Bengal currently active or otherwise. This low is expected to strengthen minimum to a Depression. It is expected to initially track Northwards along the Western Peninsula Coast towards Saurashtra. Heavy rains are forecast for Coastal Karnataka, Goa, from 13th/14th and Konkan including Mumbai from 15th June. Rainis expected to continue till forecast period.

Rainfall for Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, Goa, Konkan including Mumbai will be 15 Cms. to 20 Cms. with Isolated heavier rainfall exceeding 20 Cms. at a few places which may even exceed 25 Cms.

Saurashtra & Gujarat: 12th June to 17th June

Saurashtra the Temperatures are again on the rise and is expected to be high till 13th/14th June along with Isolated Scattered Pre-Monsoon Rain/shower. Under the influence of a Low Pressure System expected to develop in the Arabian Sea around 13th June which is expected to track towards Saurashtra, heavy rainfall could occur from 15th to 17th June of the forecast period. Quantum of rain is dependent on the exact track taken by the expected Low or a Depression.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 11th June 8.30 am
Note: The Pre-Monsoon showers/rain for Saurashtra is expected on most days till 13th/14th June and not only on 13th/14th as reported by the Daily.

Monsoon 2010 Watch & Progress:
As per IMD

Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into some more parts of Central Arabian Sea, most parts of Konkan (including Mumbai), some more parts of Madhya Maharashtra (including Pune), some parts of Marathawada, most parts of Karnataka, remaining parts of Rayalaseema, some parts of Telangana, some more parts of Coastal Andhra Pradesh, most parts of Westcentral Bay of Bengal and some more parts of North Bay of Bengal

The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) passes through Lat. 19.0°N/Long. 60.0°E, Lat.19.0°N/Long.70.0°E, Mumbai, Pune, Osmanabad, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Lat. 19.0°N/Long. 87.0°E, Lat. 21.0° N/Long. 90.0°E, Agartala, Dhubri and Gangtok.

Conditions are favorable for further advance of Southwest Monsoon into remaining parts of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and Southern parts of Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Orissa during next 3-4 days.