Southwest Monsoon To March Forward

Current Weather Conditions on 4th June 2012 @ 11.00 am.

The Convective clouds in the Arabian Sea are approaching the Kerala and Karnataka Coast. Also some clouding is seen West as well as South of Sri Lanka. The Southwest Monsoon was marching time near Colombo from 26th May. There was no progress till 3rd June. Conditions have become conducive for further Advance of Monsoon within next 24 hours.

There is no Low Pressure System in the Arabian Sea and no likely hood of the same in the next few days. However, windy weather will prevail over most parts of Kutch and some parts of Saurashtra for the next two days.

Kerala, Coastal Karnataka and Konkan will receive light to medium rainfall on 5th, 6th and 7th June.

Saurashtra & Gujarat will receive scattered showers to up to 1.5 Cms. of rainfall during 6th to 8th June as per-monsoon showers/rain.

Indian Summer Monsoon Index on 3rd June 2012

The Graph suggests that monsoon will become active.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 4th June 2012 @ 11.00 am.