Saurashtra Weather Update

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd October 2009 @ 2.00 pm.

The well Marked Low Pressure of Bay of Bengal was quasi stationary for the last three days in the vicinity of North Andhra Pradesh – South Orissa Coast. Subsequently this Well Marked Low Pressure has moved inland over Andhra Pradesh yesterday and is currently lying over Telangana and nearby areas.


Heavy rains will continue for Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra till 4th October and decrease thereafter.

Forecast For Saurashtra:

The Well Marked Low Pressure System was expected to cross over to Arabian Sea by 2nd October, however, it is still over Telangana. Now this System is expected to move North Westwards and so may not crossover to Arabian Sea. It could reach Maharashtra Coast. Saurashtra was expected to receive good round of rainfall during 4th to 6th October as per earlier runs of GSF forecast model. However, the latest forecast run does not show rain for Saurashtra. Some models are forecasting 2 Cms. to 5 Cms. of rain for Saurashtra while one other model forecasting upto 10 Cms.

Outcome for Saurashtra will be better forecast after seeing the track of the Low pressure system during the next two days.

Note: Forecast Relaibility Low due to big variation between the different forecast models refered.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 2nd October 2009 @ 11.00 am.