Prospective Low Pressure From BOB Forecast To Crossover To Arabian Sea

Current Weather Conditions on 25th September 2009 @ 4.00 pm.

There has been scattered showers over some parts of Saurashtra during the past two days as had been forecast for 23rd to 25th September. There is a Cyclonic Circulation over the Bay of Bengal and nearby areas of West Bengal.

The Barometric Pressure in Rajkot has been ranging from 1005 mb. to 1011 mb. during the last seven days.

Barometric Pressure of Rajkot for the last seven days.
Graph from RingRoad Weather Station, Rajkot


A Low Pressure is expected to form around 27th September in the Bay of Bengal. This System is expected to travel across the Peninsula and crossover to Arabian Sea from Maharashtra Coast around 30th September to 1st October. The System is expected to initially travel Northwestwards on entering the Arabian Sea. However, it is too early to quantify its effect to Gujarat, Saurashtra & Kutch. Various forecast models predict the Barometric Pressure in Saurashtra to go below 1000 mb. anytime during the period 1st October to 6th October.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 25th September 2009