Good Round Of Rainfall Forecast For Saurashtra & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 26th August 2009 @ 12.00 pm.

The Weather over Saurashtra has remained mainly dry during the month of August.

The Low Pressure from the Bay of Bengal has moved over land and is over Orissa and Chhatishgarh neighbourhood today. It is expected to track Westwards during the next two days.

The axis of monsoon trough passes through Anupgarh, Tonk, Shivpuri, Pendra, Center of Low pressure area and thence Southeastward to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal.

Forecast: The Monsoon trough runs from Konkan to Karnataka. The Western end of the Axis of Monsoon is expected to shift further Southwards. Saurashtra & Gujarat is expected to get rainfall under the cumulative effects of the above two Systems with the Low Pressure System coming from Orissa.

Rain Forecast period: 27th August to 2nd. September:

50 % of Saurashtra will get 4 Cms. 8 Cms. of rainfall.
25 % of Saurashtra will get 8 Cms. 10 Cms. of rainfall.
25 % of Saurashtra will get above 10 Cms. of rainfall.

South Gujarat will get 15 Cms. to 20 Cms. of rainfall.
North Gujarat will get rainfall mainly during 29th to 31st August.
Central Gujarat will get moderate rainfall.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 26th August 2009 @ 10.30 am.

Experimental Forecast:
All India Centers that will receive more than 20 Cms. of rainfall between 22nd. August 6.00 am. to 29th August 6.00 am.

SURAT 24 Cms.
DAMAN 26 Cms.