Scattered Rainfall To Increase From 9th – 12th October

Current Weather Conditions on 7th October 2013 @ 11.00 am.

Saurashtra has had some relief from rain past two days and similarly the quantum as well as coverage of rain in Gujarat has been less in Gujarat. However, this may not last very long. The Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over North Madhya Pradesh was located over a broad area over Madhya Pradesh and Uttar pradesh border areas. This UAC ( it is a broad circulation ) would relocate to over Madhya Pradesh & adjoining Maharashtra areas by tomorrow. Subsequently it would track Westwards and is expected to be over West M.P. and adjoining North Maharashtra border areas.

IMD Map Showing UAC at 700 Mb. Over M.P. – Maharashtra Border Areas
Valid 00 UTC 9-10-2013


IMD Map Showing UAC at 700 Mb. Over M.P. – Maharashtra Border Areas

Valid 00 UTC 10-10-2013 72hgfs_700wind_071013

The above two IMD maps also shows the location of the UAC associated with the new Low Pressure System over Bay of Bengal.

IMD Map Showing Location Of Bay Of Bengal Future Low Pressure

Valid 00 UTC on 10-10-2013


Forecast: 7th to 12th October

South Gujarat & Central Gujarat

Scattered light to medium rainfall on 3 to 4 days of the forecast period.

North Gujarat:

Scattered showers or light rainfall on 2 to 3 days of the forecast period.


Bhavnagar, Amreli, Surendranagar & Junagadh Districts are expected to receive scattered showers or light rainfall on many days of the forecast period with more chance on 11th &12th. Rest of Saurashtra expected to receive scattered showers on some days during the forecast period with more chances on 11th 12th October.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 7th October 2013 @ 11.00 am.


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08/10/2013 11:17 pm

dear recpected sir ,
i m so happy because you are the great , aapni dar aek aagahi sachi j hoy chhe ane hu aapna par khubh visvas karu chhu ,
tnxxx sir .
your regards

Kaushik Trivedi
Kaushik Trivedi
08/10/2013 9:01 am

Dear Sir, What is the forecasting for Kutch in current week? Some BBC, Accuweather , wunderground , CNN are showing rain fall in Kutch after 10th Sept. As per the district level forecast of IMD , I can see that rainfall may be start from 11th Sept but as per the IMD All India Weather bulletin there will be no rain in Kutch .So we are very confused with IMD. Please suggest for Kutch

Nitesh Bhuva
08/10/2013 8:16 am

Thank you for weather forecast. Lot of people rely on it. However it would be very helpful to farmers and lot of agriculture related businesses if you can provide update of weather every day.

ધામત ચેતન
ધામત ચેતન
07/10/2013 7:57 pm

અશોક ભાઇ શિયાઉ પવન શરુ કેટ્લા દિવસ મા શરૂ થશે તમે જનાવ શો??

Rajendra arora
Rajendra arora
07/10/2013 7:25 pm

Sir, Can v fire a crackers in DIWALI or not .a.aahhahah…how long this monsoon generated …very strange na!!