Maximum Temperature To Cross 42 C. Over Parts Of Gujarat, Kutch & Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 30th April 2012 @ 11.00 am.

The Maximum Temeprature over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat has risen by 2 to 3 Degrees C. during the last two three days. Yesterday the Maximum at Rajkot was 41.4 C. which was one and a half Degree above normal of 40 C. The winds have been medium to high in the afternoon to evening time. South India received higher than normal rainfall for this time of the year during the last five days.

Maximum Temperature Distribution from IMD:

Forecast: Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat 30th April to 4th May

The Maximum Temperature is expected to rise further over most of these areas. The Maximum Temperature at Rajkot is expected to be 1 to 2 C. above normal. Few places the Maximum will go above 42 C. on some days. Higher Temperatures are expected over North Gujarat and Kutch area. The winds are expected to blow from between Northwest and Southwest direction. The winds will be high during afternoon and evening time. Light clouding on a few days could be seen. The Barometric pressure is expected to go down especially in the evening time.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 30th April 2012 @ 11.00 am.