Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “PHAILIN” Strengthening Rapidly

Current Weather Conditions on 10th October 2013 @ 7.30 pm. updated 8.20 pm.

Very Severe Cyclonic Storm, PHAILIN in East central Bay of Bengal:
Cyclone Warning for North Andhra Pradesh and Odisha Coast.

As per RSMC Advisory No.8 Issued at 1200UTC:

Based on Time: 0900 UTC or 1430 IST

120 to 130 Kms./Hour

Location Lat. 15.0 N & Long. 90.5 E

Central Pressure : 982 Mb.

As per NRL:

Time: 1332 UTC

100 Knots or 185 Kms./Hour on 1 minute average winds speed basis

Location Lat. 15.4 N & Long. 90.3 E

Central Pressure : 948 Mb.


NRL Satellite Image Of Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “PHAILIN”

on 10th October @ 1332 UTC


As Per:        UW - CIMSS                     
              ADVANCED DVORAK TECHNIQUE       
                  ADT-Version 8.1.5                
         Tropical Cyclone Intensity Algorithm       

             ----- Current Analysis ----- 
     Date :  10 OCT 2013    Time :   140000 UTC
      Lat :   15:28:24 N     Lon :   89:59:49 E

                CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
                6.1 / 943.6mb/117.4kt

             Final T#  Adj T#  Raw T# 
                6.1     6.5     6.9

 Estimated radius of max. wind based on IR : 14 km

 Center Temp :  -4.7C    Cloud Region Temp : -80.7C

 Scene Type : EYE  


CAUTION: Take precautions and be vigil due to high winds, rain and waves in the vicinity of the above System and at other places due to the above System. Refer Rely on IMD/RSMC Bulletins/Advisories.