Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “PHAILIN” – Makes Lanfall Near Gopalpur – Odhisha

Posted on 12th October 2013 @ 9.45 pm.

Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “PHAILIN” started making Landfall over the South Odisha Coast near Gopalpur at 9.00 pm. as per IMD.


However, as per UW-CIMSS the center is just 10 Kms. from Gopalpur at 9.00 pm. or at 1530 UTC


UW-CIMSS Automated Satellite-Based
Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT)
Version 8.1.5
Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Algorithm
Current Intensity Analysis
                     UW - CIMSS                     
              ADVANCED DVORAK TECHNIQUE       
                  ADT-Version 8.1.5                
         Tropical Cyclone Intensity Algorithm       

             ----- Current Analysis ----- 
     Date :  12 OCT 2013    Time :   153000 UTC
      Lat :   19:12:48 N     Lon :   85:00:19 E

                CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
                5.4 / 955.3mb/ 99.6kt

             Final T#  Adj T#  Raw T# 
                4.9     4.7     4.6

 Center Temp : -72.8C    Cloud Region Temp : -70.4C


 Positioning Method : SPIRAL ANALYSIS


NOTE: RSMC/IMD New Delhi is the Official Agency for monitoring North Indian Cyclones. Refer Rely on IMD/RSMC Bulletins/Advisories.

CAUTION: Take precautions and be vigil due to high winds, rain and waves in the vicinity of the above System and at other places due to the above System. Refer Rely on IMD/RSMC Bulletins/Advisories.

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Ashok vala
Ashok vala
16/10/2013 3:21 pm

Saurastra Visena Koi Taza Khabar? ? ? ?

pravin sanjva
pravin sanjva
15/10/2013 7:41 pm

Sir have chomasu viday lay rhyu hoy aevu lagi rhyu chee! Am i right?

Rajendra arora
Rajendra arora
15/10/2013 10:05 am

There is very wide spread effects on the sea side this time. global clouds looks very strange and there are the chances of more natural disasters mostly with oceanic side. OCEAN OF BOB AND HIND MAHASAGAR are still not silent…the underground changes show the dangerous mark. and I think there are more and more cyclonic effects due to this underneath pressures.

Ashok vala
Ashok vala
14/10/2013 12:55 pm

sir. Have viday ni tarikh avi ke nai?

Nirmal bhojani
Nirmal bhojani
13/10/2013 10:14 am

a cyclone ni asar thi sabarkanta(gujarat) ama agami divasoma varsad ni ketli sakyata 6?

Nirmal bhojani
Nirmal bhojani
13/10/2013 10:12 am

a cyclone ni asar thi sabarkanta(gujarat) ama varsad padvani ketli sakyata 6?

himanshu jagani
himanshu jagani
12/10/2013 11:29 pm

Sir, in low pressure we seen that effect of that pressure in far area also and cloud forming in that system disappear after raining at that area…..this is repeatedly happen 3 to 4 days…..but in cyclone strome we seen that clouds are continually and not disappear and with cyclone move clouds are also moving with system…..what is reason for that?…I hope u understand what I want to ask….pl. reply.