Cyclonic Circulation Vicinity Of South India

Current Weather Forecast on 24th April 2012@ 12.00 pm.

The weather has cleared in the last two days. The Maximum Temperatures over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch has been below normal for past two three days. Yesterday the Maximum Temperature was 36.7 C. at Rajkot which is 2 C. below normal of 39 C. for this time of the year. The normal Minimum for Rajkot currently is 22 C. against recorded 23.3 for this morning.

Forecast: Saurashtra & Gujarat

The Maximum Temperatures will rise from Wednesday over most parts of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat and it is expected to be 1 to 2 degree above normal. Rajkot can expect the range between 39 to 41 from Wednesday to Sunday 29th April. The winds will mainly blow from Northwest during this period with chances of high winds on Friday and Sunday. The morning humidity will be 65 to 75 percent and about 15 to 25 percent during the days time.

South India vicinity:

There is a Cyclonic Circulation (Note: Cyclonic Circulation is a not a Cyclone but a stage prior to a Low Pressure) over the Bay of Bengal Northeast of Srilanka and East of Tamilnadu Coast. The convective clouds associated with this Circulation are spread Southwest of Srilanka and South of Kerala. Under the influence of this Cyclonic Circulation scattered rainfall is expected over Southern states during 24th to 29th April. Initially over Kerala and adjoining Tamilnadu and latter over Kerala, Karnataka and adjoining Goa and Maharashtra border areas.

Map from TMD showing the area of Cyclonic Circulation
24th April 2012 @ 6.00 am.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily dated 24th April 2012 2 11.00 am.