Rapid Intensification Of BOB Low Pressure To A Depression

Current Weather Conditions on 19th November 2013 @ 2.00 pm.

Yesterday’s Low Pressure over Southeast Bay of Bengal and adjoining Central Bay of Bengal  intensified rapidly during the night into a Depression over West Central Bay of Bengal with winds of 25 knots. Today the System has tracked mainly Westwards and lay centered at 1130 hrs IST near latitude 14.50N and longitude 85.50E, about 400 km Southeast of Vishakhapatnam. The system is expected to track West Northwestwards, intensify into a Deep Depression and cross South Andhra Pradesh and adjoining North Tamil Nadu coast between 21st/22nd November 2013.

NRL Visible Satellite Image Of 91B.INVEST ( Depression) Over BOB

on 19th November at 0800 UTC ( 1.30 pm. IST)


Under its influence, rainfall at most places with isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall would occur over coastal Andhra Pradesh and North coastal Tamil Nadu commencing from 20th November 2013.
Squally winds speed reaching 45-55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph would prevail along and off Andhra Pradesh coast commencing from 20th November 2013. Sea condition will be rough to very rough along and off Andhra Pradesh coasts from 20th November 2013.

Fishermen should not to venture into Sea off Andhra Pradesh coast. Fishermen out at sea off Andhra Pradesh coasts should return to the coast. Fishermen along and off north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and south Odisha coast should be cautious while going into sea.

Note: Refer/Rely on IMD/RSMC/ Bulletins/Advisories

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20/11/2013 6:49 pm

Sir! Bob ma to strom ni shakyata chhe pan gujarat ma mavathani skyata to nathi ne??

Reply to  sanjvapravin
21/11/2013 8:23 am
