Second Round Of Hot Weather – Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat 15th To 17th April 2014

Current Weather Conditions on 12th April 2014

The first round of Hot Weather was on 4th to 6th April when some centers of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat had crossed 40.0 C. Subsequently for the last five days the Maximum & Minimum Temperature over most parts of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch has been near normal. The Maximum at Rajkot on 11th April was 37.9 C, the Maximum Temperature at Ahmedabad was 38.4 C while the Maximum Temperature at Bhuj was 39.2 C. The Minimum Temperature at Rajkot was 21.0 C. , Ahmedabad was 22.7 C while Bhuj was 21.8 C. The Morning Humidity has remained considerably high over most parts of Kutch & Western Saurashtra during the last few days. Rajkot has been having Humidity level of about 85 to 90 % in the morning.

All India Hot Spots in last few days have been from Andhra Pradesh,  Vidarbha, & Rajasthan. The Maximum temperature has been in the 41.0 to 42.0 C range.

Forecast: 12th to 17th April 2014

Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch: 12th to 17th April 2014

Maximum as well as Minimum Temperature is expected to remain near normal for the period 12th to 14th April. The Second round of Hot Weather is expected during the period 15th to 17th April when the Maximum Temperature is expected to go above 40.0 C at some places in Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat. Higher Maximum Temperature is expected over North Gujarat compared to Saurashtra. Some places of Saurashtra expected to be hotter than Rajkot.

India Hot Spot Areas Forecast: 14th to 17th April 2014

All India Hot Spots will be from  Andhra Pradesh, Chhatishgarh, Vidarbha & Odisha area on 15th & 16th . West Bengal will join all the above Hot Spot areas on 17th April. The Maximum Temperature could reach 43 to 44 C. in these Hot Spot areas.

Wunderground Map Showing Forecast Hot Spot Areas on 16th April @ 0900 UTC

Based on Forecast Run Dated 12th April 2014 @ 0000 UTC


Wunderground Map Showing Forecast Hot Spot Areas on 17th April @ 0900 UTC

Based on Forecast Run Dated 12th April 2014 @ 0000 UTC


Forecast For North India: 12th to 17th April

Due to multiple Western Disturbance Jammu & Kashmir and neighboring areas will receive rainfall on 12th/13th and also on 16th/17th April.

COLA/IGES Forecasts of Vertical Velocity or Precipitation
Valid 14th April 2014 @ 00 UTC


COLA/IGES Forecasts of Vertical Velocity or Precipitation
Valid 17th April 2014 @ 00 UTC


COLA/IGES Forecasts of Vertical Velocity or Precipitation
Valid 18th April 2014 @ 00 UTC


Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 12th April 2014


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13/04/2014 1:39 pm

Sir, Any update on El-Nino and its impact on Indian Monsoon 2014.