Well Marked Low Pressure Over East Central Bay Of Bengal – Location 700 Kms. South East Of Odisha Coast

Current Weather Conditions on 21st May 2014 @ 12.30 pm.

An Upper Cyclonic Circulation had developed on 18th May 2014 and on the same day IMD had declared that the Southwest Monsoon had set in over the Andaman Sea and some parts of the Southeast Bay Of Bengal. On 19th May a Low Pressure developed over the East Central Bay of Bengal. This System strengthened further to a Well Marked Low Pressure on 20th May nearly the same area. NRL is monitoring this System as 92B.INVEST and at 0632 UTC today it had wind speeds of 30 knots and 1000 Mb. Pressure located at 16.1N 91.4E about 800 Kms. South Southeast of Kolkata and 700 Kms. Southeast of Odisha Coast. The wind speeds are on a one minute average basis.

NRL Satellite IR Image Showing 92B.INVEST ( Well Marked Low Pressure )

on 21st May 2014 @ 0630 UTC ( 12.00 pm. IST)



The Well Marked Low Pressure System is expected to track initially in Northerly direction and is expected to remain at Sea for 4 to 5 days.

Hot weather conditions would prevail over U.P., Bihar, Jharkha nd, Odisha, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, some parts of North India, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Maximum Temperature in Gujarat will range from 41.0 C to 44 C. till 27th May while it would range from 43.0 C to 46.0 C over Hot Spots of other States.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 21st May 2014 @ 10.30 am
