Maximum Temperatures To Remain Above Normal Over Saurashtra & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 17th March 2012 @ 7.00 pm.

The Maximum Temperature has increased during the last two days and is currently 1 to 2 degrees above normal. The Normal Maximum & Minimum Temperature for Rajot is 36 C. and 18 C. respectively. Rajkot was 37.6 C Max. and 19.0 C Min. today.

Chart showing weekly variations in Maximum Temperature at Rajkot:

IMD Chart showing Maximum Temperature over India:

Forecast: 17th to 24th March for Saurashtra & Gujarat

The winds will blow mainly from West & Northwest during the next three four days. Subsequently the wind will blow mainly from the North on 22nd – 24th march. The morning humidity will be 60 to 70 % first four days and then will decrease to 20 to 40% on 22nd – 24th March. The Maximum Temperature is expected to be 1 to 3 C. above normal for the full forecast period over most parts of Saurashtra. Rajkot will be about 37 to 38 C. Some places in Saurashtra & Gujarat could reach upto 39/40 C.

North India: Due to the effects of Western Disturbance there will be some rain and snowfall over Jammu Kashmir & Himachal Pradesh on 19th/20th March.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 17th March 2012 @ 10.00 am.