Mixed Weather For This Week

Current Weather Conditions on 13th February 2012 @ 11.00 am.

Western disturbance has crept in over North India yesterday and there has been Snowfall in the hilly regions of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Utrakhand and rain in the plainns of North India.

Due to the western disturbance the winds over Saurashtra were blowing from the Northwest yesterday and so the humidity increased this morning and there was fog in Rajkot as well as many other places in Saurashtra. The Maximum temperature at Rajkot was 30.6 C about a degree more than normal and the Minimum temperature this morning was 16.9 C about 4 C above normal. Similar trend in Minimum temperature was observed at most places in Saurashtra & Gujarat where they were 2 to 4 C above normal.

Map Showing Departure of Minimum Temperature over India
on 13th February 2012

Weekly Temperature Map for Rajkot


13th to 19th February

The winds are expected to blow from the North and Northeast by tomorrow. Maximum temperature is expected to decrease from Tuesday till Thursday when it will be some what below normal. The Minimum temperature will start decrease from Wednesday till Friday when the temperature will be a below normal, however, there will not be any cold wave. The Maximum as well as Minimum temperatures will be above normal on Saturday and Sunday. The normal for Rajkot currently is 30 C Maximum and 13 C Minimum.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 13th February 2012 @ 11.00 am