Depression BOB 06 will combine with Cyclonic Circulation over Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 7th August 11.00 am.

The Deep Depression BOB 06 which crossed the Orissa Coast yesterday, has weakened to a Depression and is now located near three State borders of Chhatishgarh, East Madhya Pradesh and East Maharashtra. It is expected to move in the Westward direction. A cyclonic circulation over Gujarat and nearby Arabian sea will combine with the system BOB 06 approaching from the East. The weather conditons over Saurashtra and South Gujarat will yeild very heavy rains under the cumulative effects of both these systems. The actual amount of rainfall will vary in various places depending upon the actual path taken by the Depression BOB (or Well Marked Low Pressure if it weakens further) when it approaches Gujarat.

Note: Since today the forecast is dependent on the movement and strength of the two systems, the actual outcome of rains could vary drastically by deviation of any one of the two systems mentioned above. Hence rain figures have not been quantified today.

Weather Forecast 7th August

Very heavy rains possible over South Gujarat, Coastal Saurashtra and heavy rains for Maharashtra – Madhya Pradesh Border.

Weather Forecast 8th August

Very heavy rains possible over South Gujarat, Coastal Saurashtra.
Heavy rains for rest of Saurashtra.

Weather Forecast 9th August

Very heavy rains possible over Coastal Saurashtra.