Deep Depression BOB 06 reaches Orissa Coast

Current Weather Conditions on 6th August 10.30 am.

The Depression BOB 06 over the Bay of Bengal has strenghened to a Deep Depression last night and was located about 100 Kms. from the Orissa Coast. Today this Deep Depression is near Orissa Coast and is expected to cross over to land before noon today and is expected to move in the West North Westward direction. The winds are blowing at 55 to 60 Kms. per hour.

A cyclonic circulation over Gujarat and nearby Arabian sea has given good rains over Saurashtra and Gujarat as per forecast dated 2nd. August. The weather conditons over Saurashtra remains favourable for rain. There is also an active monsoon system over East Central Arabian Sea creating favourable conditions for heavy rains over Coastal Karnataka and Coastal Maharashtra and South Gujarat.

Weather Forecast Rajkot, Saurashtra & Gujarat

6th August to 10th August: Moderate scattered rain on various days totalling 5 Cms. to 8 Cms. can be expected over 50 % of Saurashtra during this period. Districts of Jamnagar, Porbander, Junagadh and some places over Coastal Saurashtra will get sporadic heavy rainfalls totalling from 10 to 20 Cms. during this forecast period. South Gujarat will get 15 Cms. to 20 Cms. of rain while rest of Gujarat and Kutch will get 6 Cms. to 10 Cms. of rain during this period.

Weather Forecast – Orissa & Neighbouring States

6th August. to 8th August.

Orissa, Parts of Chatishgarh, East Madhya Pradesh and Coastal Andhra Pradesh and East Maharashtra will receive very heavy rains of 10 to 15 Cms. with isolated rain of more than 20 Cms. during this period

Weather Forecast – Rest of India

6th August to 10th August: Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, Coastal Maharashtra will get 15 Cms. to 25 Cms. of rain during this forecast period. Parts of U.P., South Rajastan will receive 8 Cms. to 15 Cms. of rain.