Dust Storm Reaches Saurashtra & Kutch – Western Winds With High Humidity Creates Cloudy Hazy Conditions

Current Weather Conditions on 4th April 2015

પશ્ચિમી પવનો ની અસર થી મિડલ ઈસ્ટ થી ડસ્ટ સ્ટોર્મ સૌરાષ્ટ્ર અને કચ્છ સુધી પોંચ્યું. 

સવારે વધુ ભેજ થી અમૂક જગ્યાએ ઝાકર.

દિવસ દરમ્યાન આંધી જેવું અને વાદળા વાળું મિક્સ વાતાવરણ.

Dust Storm over Middle East on 2nd April has travelled Eastwards and has reached Kutch & Saurashtra by morning of 4th April 2015. Last two days there has been windy condition and the winds are blowing mainly from the West. Morning humidity has also increased and so some parts of Saurashtra experienced foggy conditions in the morning. Humidity has remained higher than normal ( could be because of moisture deposition on dust and less sunlight). The day time visibility has decreased considerably due to the Dust Storm . General atmosphere looks hazy with patches of clouds.

Dundee Satellite Image showing Dust Storm/Clouding Over Saurashtra & Kutch on 4th April 2015 @ 0900 UTC ( 2.30 pm. IST )



This type of condition could persist for a day or two.


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Rupesh Saparia
Rupesh Saparia
06/04/2015 12:20 pm

Thank you

05/04/2015 11:54 pm

sir Gujarat ma borsad talukama varsad Padvani sambhavna 6e?

Rupesh Saparia
Rupesh Saparia
04/04/2015 11:38 pm

Sir please update gujarati ma aapo

virani narendra
virani narendra
04/04/2015 7:20 pm

Ashok bhai apdet moklo varsad avsekenahi