Very Severe Cyclonic Storm "THANE" Over Southwest Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 29th December 2011 @ 7.30 am.

The Cyclonic Storm "THANE" in the Southwest Bay of Bengal strengthened further to a Severe Cyclonic Storm yesterday and subsequently strengthened further to a Very Severe Cyclonic Storm early morning of 29th December 2011.Current location of "THANE" is 11.9 N 82.7 E as per NRL and is about 300 Kms. mainly East of Tamilnadu Coast.

As Per NRL 75 knots (140 Kms/hour) winds 967 mb. pressure
Wave height of 7 meters

As per IMD 65 knots (120 Kms./hour) winds 980 mb. pressure


Tropical Cyclone Intensity Algorithm

—– Current Analysis —–
Date : 29 DEC 2011 Time : 013000 UTC
Lat : 11:57:12 N Lon : 83:03:32 E

CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
4.4 / 982.8mb/ 74.6kt

Track of the Bay of Bengal System ("THANE")

Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimate:

Satellite Image of 29th December 5.30 am. IST


The Cyclonic Storm "THANE" is expected track mainly Westwards towards the Tamilnadu Coast during the next 24 hours and make landfall by tomorrow the 30th December 2011. It is expected to weaken before it approaches the Tamilnadu coast for landfall in the vicinity of Pondicherry. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is expected over Tamilnadu Coast during the next 48 hours with some places getting more than 25 Cms. of rainfall.

Note: Please refer and rely on official IMD/RSMC Bulletins regarding the current Cyclonic system approaching Tamilnadu Coast. Take precautions and remain safe.

IMD guidance and forecast Dated: 29.12. 2011 Time of issue:0730 hours IST:

Under the influence of this system, rainfall at most places with isolated heavy rainfall is likely over north Tamil Nadu & Puducherry and south coastal Andhra Pradesh from today morning, the 29th December 2011 onwards. The intensity of rainfall would increase with heavy to very heavy falls at a few places and isolated extremely heavy falls (25cm or more) from today evening onwards and extend to Rayalseema and north interior Tamil Nadu.

Squally winds speed reaching 45-55 kmph likely to commence along and off north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and south Andhra Pradesh coasts from today morning The wind speed will increase gradually from today night onwards becoming 100-110 kmph gusting to 125 kmph along and off north Tamilnadu and south Andhra Pradesh coast at the time of landfall.

Storm surge of about 1 meter height above the astronomical tide would inundate the low lying areas of Chennai and Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram & Villupuram districts of north Tamil Nadu at the time of landfall.

Sea condition will be high to very high around the system centre. Sea condition will be high to very high along and off north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and south Andhra Pradesh coasts from today night onwards.

Fishermen along north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & south Andhra Pradesh coasts are advised not to venture into sea. Those who are out at sea are advised to return to the coast.

Damage expected (over north coastal Tamil Nadu and south coastal Andhra Pradesh): Extensive damage to thatched roof and huts. Minor damage to power and communication line due to uprooting of large avenue trees. Flooding of escape routes.

Action suggested (over north coastal Tamil Nadu and south coastal Andhra Pradesh): Total suspension of fishing operations. Coastal hutment dwellers to be moved to safer place. People in affected areas to remain indoors.