Deep Depression Over Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 26th December 2011 @ 2.00 pm.

A Low Pressure had developed in the Bay of Bengal on 24th December which subsequently strengthened to a Deep Depression last night and to a Deep Depression this morning. Current location of this system is 10N 87.5E about 900 Kms. East Southeast of Chennai.

As Per NRL 40 knots winds 993 mb. pressure
As per IMD 30 knots winds 998 mb.

The Deep Depression will strengthen further to a Cyclonic Storm within 24/48 hours.


Minimum Temperatures have been around 10C at Rajkot for last few days and is expected to remain similar for one more day. Subsequently on Wednesday/Thursday there will be about 2 C. rise in Minimum Temperature.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 26th December 2011 @ 1.00 pm.