Well Marked Low Pressure Over Southwest Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 25th November 2011 @ 2.00 pm.

The Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Southwest Bay of Bengal has descended to sea level and a Low Pressure has formed this morning. This Low Pressure has strengthened to a Well Marked Low Pressure currently located at 4.9N 78.3E about 350 Kms. South of Kanyakumari with Winds of 30 knots (55 Kms/hour) and Central Pressure of 1001 Mb. as per NRL. This system is expected to track North Northwestwards during the next few days and strengthen further.

Current Location of the System as per NRL:

Tamilnadu to get medium to heavy rainfall on 25th to 27th November and Kerala to get medium to heavy rainfall on 26th to 28th November.

Due to this System clouding will start from Sunday over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat. There is a possibility of unseasonal rain for Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat during 29th November to 1st December. This will be updated as and when warranted.

GFS has a forecast track of this system as given in map below:

Global Tropical Hazards Outlook map shows that there is a possibility of a Tropical Cyclone during 23rd to 29th Novemeber as shown in map below:

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 25th November 1.00 pm.