Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & South Gujarat To Get Rain

Current Weather Conditions on 16th october 2010 @ 4.30 pm.

The Deep Depression made landfall in evening near South Coastal Orissa. It has weakened considerably and was located near Chatishgarh Orissa border and vicinity. The Convective clouds associated with this System are mainly spread over Orissa, Vidarbha, Jharkhand, Chahatishgarh and North Andhra Pradesh. The Central Pressure has increased to 1002 Mb. at noon.

Track of this System from NRL

This week System is expected to track Westwards.

Under the influence of this system, widespread medium to heavy rainfall has occurred over Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Coastal areas of West Bengal and North Coastal Andhra Pradesh and will continue till tomorrow in some of these areas. Vidarbha and East Madhya Pradesh will get medium to heavy rainfall today.

An Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation will form near Konkan on 18th/19th from the remains of this System. Western Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh will get scattered moderate rainfall from 18th/20th and South Gujarat to get scattered rain from 18th to 20th.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 16th October 10.30 am.