Rains to Continue Over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Mumbai Till 1st September

Current Weather Conditions on 29th Aug. 2007 @ 11.30 am.

There is an Active Monsoon System over Coastal Maharashtra, South Gujarat and Coastal Saurashtra. There is also an Active Monsoon System over Andhra Pradesh. This AP. System is expected to move in North West direction and merge with the System in the Arabian Sea by tomorrow. The cumulative effect of these Systems would give Extremely Heavy rain to Coastal Maharashtra including Mumbai and Heavy to Moderate rain for Saurashtra, Kutch, South Gujarat and Central Gujarat during 29th August to 1st September 2007.

Weather Forecast Rajkot & Saurashtra & Gujarat

29th August to 1st September: Fifty percent of Saurashtra along with Central Gujarat will receive 4 Cms. to 8 Cms. of rain and another fifty percent of Saurashtra along with South Gujarat will receive 8 Cms. to 12 Cms of rain during this period. It is expected that the heavier intensity rain will be on the Coastal areas of Saurashtra with isolated places getting more than 12 Cms. of rain. The Weather situation is changing rapidly, so updates will be done as and when required.

Weather Forecast – Mumbai

29th August to 1st September: Extremely Heavy rain about 15 Cms to 20 Cms. for Mumbai and nearby areas.