Severe Cyclonic Storm Jal Weakens – 170 Kms. From Chennai

Current Weather Conditions on 7th November 2010 @ 12.15 pm.

Severe Cyclonic Storm Jal has tracked West North Westwards during the last few hours. As per JTWC update of 12.00 pm. the Center of the System is located at 12.8N 81.8E much outside on the West side of the high cloud core of -80 Degrees. Currently 50 % of this high cloud core is over Tamilnadu coast & Andhra Pradesh coast.

As per JTWC the Cyclone "JAL" has weakened by 5 knots to 65 Knots from earlier 70 knots.
Landfall expected near Pulicat Lake area. Distance to Landfall is 190 Kms.

Location of Storm: 12.8N 81.8E @ 12.00 pm
Distance & Bearing from Chennai: 170 E

JTWC based on 1 minute ave. wind speed @ 12.00 pm
Winds:65 Knots or 120 Kms/Hour
Central Pressure: 974 Mb.

As per IMD based on 3 min. ave. wind speed @ 8.30 am
Winds:55 Knots or 100 Kms/Hour
Central Pressure: 988 Mb.

—– Current Analysis —–
Date : 07 NOV 2010 Time : 060000 UTC (11.30 am.)
Lat : 12:41:48 N(12.7N) Lon : 82:00:43 E(82.0E)

CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
2.7 / 994.6mb/ 39.0kt

Note: Refer and rely on Official IMD Bulletins. Utmost care should be taken to safeguard lives and property. People should be vigilant about the destructive force of Severe Cyclonic Storm.