Colder Weather For Saurashtra & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 7th December 2009 @ 9.30 am.
The Temperature over Saurashtra had been above normal in the first half of last week and then near normal to little above normal for the remaining part of the last week. The Maximum Temperature at Rajkot has been nearly 30 to 31 Degrees and the Minimum has been nearly 14.5 to 16.5 Degrees. The normal Temperatures for this time of the year for Rajkot is Maximum 30 Degrees and Minimunm of 14 Degrees C.

There is a Cyclonic Circulation in the Bay of Bengal 800 Kms. East of Shri Lanka.


Saurashtra & Gujarat will have lower Temperatures for the next few days. Rajkot can expect Minimu to be around 12 to 14 Degrees C.

A Western Disturbance is expected from 8th night and will continue for two three days. Heavy snowfall and rains are expected for the Hilly regions of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh. Landslides and road blocks are expected in this area. Scattered Rainfall is forecast for rest of the North Indian regions.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 7th December 2009 @ 10.30 am.