Depression 500 Kms. From TN/Andhra Coast

Current Weather Conditions on 14th November 2008 @ 7.00 am.

Yesterdays Well Marked Low Pressure in the Bay of Bengal has strengthened further to a Depression. Currently it is located at 12.5 N. and 85E. around 500 Kms. from TN/AP Coast with 55 Kms/Hour winds gusting upto 65 Kms/hour with central pressure of 1000 Mb. The covective clouds associated with this system are spread widely over 1000 Kms. between the Tamilnadu Coast, Andhra Coast and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is expected to strengthen further and track West North West direction.

Wide spread rainfall is expected along Coastal Orissa, Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Coastal Tamilnadu till 16th November.