Minimum Temepratures Over Saurashtra To Increase From Tomorrow

Current Weather Conditions on 6th January 2010 @ 10.30 am.

The sky has been clear over Saurashtra and the Minimum Temperatures over Saurashtra has been on the lower side. Rajkot the Minimum Temperatures have ranged from 10.8 C. yesterday to 11.4 c. today. The wind direction has changed to from the East.


Saurashtra will have clear weather tomorrow. There is a chance of scattered clouds on Friday. The Minimum Temperature is expected to increase from tomorrow and is expected to increase by about 2 to 4 Degrees for Rajkot by Friday.

South India: A Cyclonic Circulation is expected over the Bay of Bengal around 8th January. There will be rains in Tamilnadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh during 8th to 11th January 2010.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 5th January 2010 @ 10.30 am.