Arabian Sea Circulation To Affect Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 20th November 2010 @ 12.30 pm.

Weather has cleared from 18th November as expected. The winds are from North east and the Noon Humidity has reduced to 35 % at Rajkot today. However, there is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation in the Arabian Sea located West of Goa & Mumbai and South West of Saurashtra. The Convective clouds associated with this Circulation are spread accross 500 Kms. The Northern part of these cloud mass is about 150 Kms. from Saurashtra coast.

Two forecast models viz. GFS & CMC show that the Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation will affect Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat with unseasonal rain during 22nd to 24th November 2010. Some areas could be affected evening of 21st November. Maharashtra, South Rajasthan, & West Madhya Pradesh will also be affected by unseasonal rain. The surface winds would blow from East or South East instead of the regular from North East during those days.

Rainfall Map from 19th November to 25th November GFS

CMC Forecast track for the Cyclonic Circulation from Arabian Sea

GFS Forecast track for the Cyclonic Circulation from Arabian Sea

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 20th November 2010 @ 11.00 am.