Interior Maharashtra, South Gujarat & Saurashtra To Get Good Rainfall By 5th July

Current Weather Conditions on 1st July 2010 @ 10.30 pm

The weather over Saurashtra has been cloudy today with intermittent sunshine. Dense clouds with high Cloud Tops are seen over the Bay of Bengal in the vicinity of Coastal Andhra & Orissa Coast. Mid-Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation is also present in the same area.

Forecast for Interior Maharashtra 2nd to 5th July:

The Mid-Upper Air Circulation will come over Chhatishgarh by tomorrow and over Vidarbha on 3rd July giving heavy rainfall for Chhatishgarh, Vidarbha and along the Maharashtra M.P. border areas.

GSF Forecast Map for 4th July

Forecast for South Gujarat & Saurashtra 3rd July to 5th July:

The Mid-Upper Air Circulation will move very fast in one day from over Vidarbha on 3rd July to North Madhya Maharashtra – South Gujarat vicinity on 4th July. Heavy round of Rainfall is expected over South Gujarat – quantity 10 Cms. to 15 Cms. between 3rd to 5th July.

GSF Forecast Map for 5th July

50 % of Saurashtra is expected to get 3 Cms. to 5 Cms. of Rainfall and
50 % of Saurashtra is expected to get 5 Cms. to 8 Cms. of Rainfall during 3rd to 6th July.