Southwest Monsoon – Withdrawal From West Rajasthan

Current Weather Conditions on 14th September 2009 @ 4.00 pm.

Rain over North India has tapered-off. The weather is dry over most parts of Saurashtra & Gujarat. Evening Humidity over West Rajasthan has gone down and the Temperatures have increased during the past few days. The Monsoon has practically withdrawn from West Rajasthan and we can expect it to withdraw from rest of Rajasthan in a two three days time.

The weather over Saurashtra has remained maily dry with very Isolated rainfall at one or two places in whole of Saurashtra. The Barometric pressure at Rajkot was 1002 to 1006 mb. during 8th to 10th September and has increased during last two three days to 1008 to 1012 mb. signaling clearer weather.

Graph from RingRoad Weather Station, Rajkot

Forecast for 14th to 20th September:

Saurashtra & Gujarat:

Mainly dry during the forecast period.

Kerala & Karnataka:
10 Cms. to 15 Cms. of rainfall during the forecast period with upto 20 Cms. in some Isolated places.

South Maharashtra & Andhra Pradesh:
4 Cms. to 6 Cms. of rainfall during the forecast period.

North Eastern States:
10 Cms. to 15 Cms. of rainfall during the forecast period with upto 20 Cms. in Isolated places.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 14th September 2009 @ 10.30 am.