Cloud Cover Over Saurashtra To Break Within 24 Hours

Current Weather Conditions on 10th September 2010 @ 10.30 am.

Yesterday's Low Pressure area over West Madhya Pradesh Gujarat border has tracked Westwards and is currently located over Kutch North Gujarat Border with associated cyclonic circulation extending upto Mid-tropospheric levels. Convective clouds are seen over Western tip of Saurashtra and Kutch region.

Map from Thai Met Dept.

As had been forecast on 6th September 2010, there has been widespread heavy rain over Central Gujarat and adjoining South Gujarat and North Gujarat and Saurashtra.

The Low Pressure is expected to track initially Westwards and then is expected to track over Sindh within a day. Heavy Rainfall is expected over Jamnagar District, Porbandar District, South Rajkot District and Junagadh District and Kutch area till 11th. East Saurashtra rainfall quantity will decrease. Partly cloudy with sunshine expected over most parts of Saurashtra from 11th with scattered showers.

The background of all maps shown on this forecast does not depict Political boundary.

Forecast in Akila daily Dated 10th September 2010 @ 11.30 am.