Current Weather Conditions on 26th March 2013 @ 11.00 am.
The weather over Saurashtra, Gujarat and Kutch have been cloudy off and on for last few days. The Temperatures have been near normal to plus/minus a Degree or so over most areas of Gujarat. Rajkot the Maximum Temperature yesterday was 37.4 C which is a Degree C. more than normal whereas the Minimum today was 22.3 C. which was about three Degrees C. more than normal.
Forecast: 26th to 30th March 2013 Whole Gujarat
The Temperature is expected to remain range bound near normal during the forecast. Cloudy conditions are expected to remain till tomorrow the 27th March.
Forecast: Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Chhatishgarh
Unseasonal scattered rain or showers expected over Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh during 27th & 28th. Chhatishgarh expected to get unseasonal scattered rain or showers on 28th to 30th March.