Partial Relief From Cold Weather 16th January Onwards

Current Weather Conditions on 15th January 2010 @ 10.30 am.

Chilly weather prevailed over most parts of North India to Rajasthan, Gujarat upto Saurashtra. Also most parts of Uttar Pradesh and Central India had cold weather too.

Saurashtra people enjoyed kite flying because of ideal winds for most part of the day on Makkar Sankrant Day – 14th January.

Saurashtra is expected to get a relief of 2 to 3 Degrees in Minimum and the Maximum Temperatures from tomorrow. The Minimum at Rajkot will be in the range from 12 to 13 Degrees for the next few days. Partly cloudy conditions are expected for Friday/Saturday.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 15th January @ 10.30 am.