Bay System 900 Kms ESE Of Chennai

Current Weather Conditions on 5th November 2010 @ 12.00 pm

The Deep Depression over the Bay of Bengal lay centered at about 900 Kms. East South East of Chennai at 9.5N 87.75E. Currently its intensity is already of a Cyclonic Storm and will be named Cyclonic Storm "JAL" by IMD as and when they update. The System is tracking West Northwest at about 15 Kms./Hour.

As per UW – CIMSS (ADT)

—– Current Analysis —–
Date : 05 NOV 2010 Time : 060000 UTC (11.30 am. IST)
Lat : 9:31:40 N(9.5N) Lon : 87:46:23 E(87.75E)

CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
3.4 / 985.4mb/ 53.0kt